This morning, out of the blue, I logged into a website I maintain regularly, only this time after the admin login I was shown a 404 page.
I did some research and saw a post (for an older version) that suggested to go to the administration with http:// instead of https://
I did that and I was able to login and navigate the administration website.
After updating several 3rd party add-ons and updating Joomla 4 to the latest version, I kept navigating the site to make further changes, but eventually I got stuck with the same 404 page. This time the http:// trick doesn't work and I have not tried to log out yet.
Additionally, I see several red icons in the "Notifications" area of the dashboard, as per screenshot.
I recently (a month or two ago) migrated the site to J4 and I have manually made backups for each step of the way, but I have a feeling this is not something I can resolve with a backup. Additionally, since the migration (and before today's updates) I didn't make any changes to the site.
I am scratching my head and I am about to clone the website to a sandbox, but I wanted to check here first.
Joomla 4 - PHP 8.3 - InMotion Dedicated server
I did some research and saw a post (for an older version) that suggested to go to the administration with http:// instead of https://
I did that and I was able to login and navigate the administration website.
After updating several 3rd party add-ons and updating Joomla 4 to the latest version, I kept navigating the site to make further changes, but eventually I got stuck with the same 404 page. This time the http:// trick doesn't work and I have not tried to log out yet.
Additionally, I see several red icons in the "Notifications" area of the dashboard, as per screenshot.
I recently (a month or two ago) migrated the site to J4 and I have manually made backups for each step of the way, but I have a feeling this is not something I can resolve with a backup. Additionally, since the migration (and before today's updates) I didn't make any changes to the site.
I am scratching my head and I am about to clone the website to a sandbox, but I wanted to check here first.
Joomla 4 - PHP 8.3 - InMotion Dedicated server
Statistics: Posted by corrado444 — Tue Aug 20, 2024 9:53 pm