Hi. hidden-phone and ect - are Bootstrap 3 classes. Joomla 3 was build on Bootstrap 3.This worked fine in Joomla 3 with by adding hidden-phone hidden-tablet or hidden-desktop in the Module Class Suffix, but it doesn't work in Joomla 5. It mostly worked in Joomla 4, but only if you changed Module Style to HTML5.
I was aware this option was on it's way out, but I've tried everything else I can think of, with no luck.
I have tried adding Module Class like d-none to no avail. Saw another thread that suggested adding a class that's
Found one Extension, Advanced Module Manager - doesn't really work.
Joomla 4/5 is build on Bootstrap 5. That means d-none should works. You should add ampty space before d-none in the Module Class Suffix field. And d-none is a general class. You shold use specific classes with breakpoints.
Here are all them https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.2/utilities/display/
If you will not achieve success with this, provide a link to your site.
Statistics: Posted by Pavel-ww — Mon Nov 11, 2024 9:32 am